Dr. Galindo has authored numerous scientific publications in the fields of prosthodontics and implant dentistry and lectures at national and international meetings.
Galindo DF, Butura CC. Rehabilitation of a patient with a severely resorbed maxilla using zygomatic dental implants and a novel prosthetic design for a full-arch zirconia rehabilitation. Spring 2021 issue of Implant Practice US
Jensen OT, Adams MW, Butura CC, Galindo DF. Maxillary V-4: Four implant treatment for maxillary atrophy with dental implants fixed apically at the vomer-nasal crest, lateral pyriform rim, and zygoma for immediate function. Report on 44 patients followed from 1 to 3 years. J of Prosthetic Dentistry 2015.
Galindo DF, Butura CC. Immediate Loading of Dental Implants in the Esthetic Region using Computer-guided Implant Treatment Software and Stereolithographic Model for a Patient with Eating Disorders. J Prosthodont 2014; 23: 98-103.
Butura CC, Galindo DF. Combined Immediate Loading of Zygomatic and Mandibular Implants: A Preliminary 2-Year Report of 19 Patients. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2014; 29: e22-e29.
Butura CC, Galindo DF. Implant Placement in Alveolar Composite Defects Regenerated with rhBMP-2, Anorganic Bovine Done, and Titanium Mesh: A Report of Eight Reconstructed Sites. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2014; 29: e139-e-146.
Butura CC, Galindo DF. Implant Placement in Alveolar Composite Defects Regenerated with rhBMP-2, Anorganic Bovine Done, and Titanium Mesh: A Report of Eight Reconstructed Sites. Oral Craniofac Tissue Eng 2012; 2: 207-14.
Galindo DF, Butura CC. Mandibular Reconstruction with Four Implant-Supported Immediately Loaded Fixed Prostheses, A Case Series of 183 Consecutively Treated Patients After One Year of Function in Final Prostheses. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012; 27: 628-33.
Butura CC, Galindo DF. Combined Immediate Loading of Zygomatic and Mandibular Implants: A Preliminary 2-Year Report of 19 Patients. Oral Craniofac Tissue Eng 2012; 2: 58-65.
Butura CC, Galindo DF, Jensen OT. Mandibular All-On-Four Therapy Using Angled Implants: A Three-Year Clinical Study of 857 Implants in 219 Jaws. Dental Clinics of North America 2011: 55: 795-811.
Butura CC, Galindo DF, Cottam J, Adams, M, Jensen OT. The Hour-Glass Mandibular Anatomical Variant: Incidence and Treatment Considerations for the All-on-Four Implant Therapy. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011; 69: 2135-43.
Butura CC, Galindo DF, Jensen OT. Mandibular All-On-Four Therapy Using Angled Implants: A Three-Year Clinical Study of 857 Implants in 219 Jaws. Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin North Am 2011; 23: 289-300.
Galindo DF, Ercoli C, Funkenbusch PD, Greene TD, Moss ME, Lee H-J, Ben-Hanan U, Graser GN, Barzilay I. Tooth preparation: A study on the effect of different variables and a comparison between conventional and channeled diamond burs. J Prosthodont 2004; 13: 3-16.
Kang MK, Ercoli C, Galindo DF, Graser GN, Moss ME, Tallents RH. Comparison of the load at failure of soldered and nonsoldered porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 90: 235-240.
Galindo DF. The implant-supported milled-bar mandibular overdenture. J Prosthodont 2001; 10: 46-51.
Galindo DF, Ercoli C, Graser GN, Tallents RH, Moss ME. Effect of soldering on metal-porcelain bond strength in repaired porcelain-fused to metal castings. J Prosthet Dent 2001; 85: 88-94.
Hebel KS, Galindo D, Gajjar RC. The implant relation record and the implant relation cast: Minimizing errors, procedures and patient visits in the fabrication of the milled-bar prosthesis. J Prosthet Dent 2000; 83: 107-16.
Ercoli C, Tallents RH, Graser GN, Galindo D. The face-bow record without a third point of reference: Theoretical considerations and an alternative technique. J Prosthet Dent 1999; 82: 237-41.
Galindo D, Hagan M. A technique to prevent cast breakage during separation from elastomeric impressions. J Prosthet Dent 1999; 81: 37-8.
Galindo D, Soltys JL, Graser GN. Long-term reinforced fixed provisional restorations. J Prosthet Dent 1998; 79:698-701.
Galindo D. Manejo Prostodóntico del Paciente con Carcinoma Adenocístico. Revista Científica Facultad de Odontología Universidad del Bosque 1998; 4: 61-6.
Galindo D, Graser GN. A simple procedure for boxing elastomeric impressions. J Prosthet Dent 1997; 78: 531-2.
Galindo F, Galindo D. Estabilidad del flúor en la sal de cocina. Estudio de laboratorio. Parte II. (Fluoride stability in fluoridated table salt in Colombia. A laboratory study. Part II). Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá Anuario Comité de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Biomédicas 1993; 121-6.
Galindo F, Galindo D. Estabilidad del flúor en la sal de cocina. Estudio de laboratorio. Parte I. (Fluoride stability in fluoridated table salt in Colombia. A laboratory study. Part I). Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá Anuario Comité de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Biomédicas 1992; 41-6.